Tying shoelaces...

Bring movement, fun and engagement into learning

We want to help you build a learning environment that is both active and fun. Movement is not only good for your body, it’s also great for your brain!

By combining technology and pedagogy, you can create your own learning experiences for others to enjoy.

Mobilskjerm med visning av Wittario læringspill

We sit too much, anyway

As a society, many of the daily tasks we encounter are handled sitting still. Although, sometimes comfortable - we need more movement in our bodies! Doing some tasks (like learning) benefits from getting up and getting out!

Your brain works better! (it’s science)

It is proven that movement engages your brain and makes you about 60% more creative than if you sit still. Our app stimulates movement, which in turn increases the activity in your brain. Awesome, huh?


You can choose the time, and the place

Our distance games makes it possible to play a game everywhere and whenever you are able to play.

This is great for home office workers or for homework. Play the game when it suits you, inside the given timeframe of course.


Get started. It’s free!

The best way to see if you like it, is to try it out. Signing up to Wittario Manager completely free!


See how others use Wittario:

Wittario's feedback games: A unique approach to organizational development

See Case Study

Build a strong organizational culture by using Wittario

See Case Study

5 Tips for Microlearning with Wittario

See Case Study

Experience the Fun of Rebus with Wittario

See Case Study

Create engaged and skilled leaders with Wittario's leadership development games!

See Case Study

Activities for good teambuilding

See Case Study

Digital cultural heritage - learn local history with games and fun

See Case Study

Successful kick-off at work

See Case Study

Learning platform for game management

See Case Study

5 reasons to use learning games

See Case Study

What is Wittario learning games?

See Case Study
Enhancing Education Through Technology

A Deep Dive into Wittario's Impact on Learning.

See Case Study
Hamar naturskole

Back to nature

See Case Study
Krapfoss School

Getting students off the couch when at home

See Case Study
Prestrud School

More physical activity in school

See Case Study

Leadership training with great success!

See Case Study

A creative way to break up digital learning

See Case Study

Teamwork makes the dream work

Teamwork and communication is key! With Wittario you can create games that are centered around making teams work together.

No one gets left behind <3

Learning isn’t the same for everyone.
By using Wittario we bridge the gap between all types of learners. Solving tasks and playing games to learn is a way to make sure everyone is included.

Not a seasoned gamer? That’s OK! Not the biggest extrovert?
No problem! Wittario games are made so everyone can show their best side.


Are you ready to try it out?

What do our players say?

Atle Mørch Sjølie
HR Manager @ Caverion
The participants thinks it’s been a lot of fun, there’s been a lot of laughter!
Trond Boge
Teacher @ Mæla School
The students are more engaged, even after they have been outside!
Live Leer
HR Manager, Managment and Learning @ Storebrand
The combination of professional and daily chat out in the fresh air has been absolutely superb
William Andersen
Teacher @ Prestrud School
The students learn more and have fun. That is a win-win for everyone